Southern Attraction- The College Years


Southern Attraction- The College Years is the 2nd story in the series; but can be enjoyed alone.  It continues the story of Heather Brandon from the 1st novel: Southern Attraction.  Heather and Jake go off the college together to further their education.  Heather has grown a lot since Huckleburg.  Now she has the man she loves in her life, but she still faces insecurities of her future.  She has been through enough heartache in her life.  She just wants happiness, security and love in her life.  She struggles with things of her past that haunt her and keeps her reliving some things. Jake has been a great love of her life but sometimes he is clueless to her needs and worries about his own career and happiness. Join Heather as she tries to overcome adversity and search for the peace she desperately longs for.

Available on Amazon:


Book 1: Southern Attraction

Southern Attraction is a young adult romance book. Heather had everything a girl could ever ask for; beauty, friends and parents who adored her. Then everything changed on one dreadful day. Her parents were killed in a car crash and she lost everything that gave her comfort. She had to leave her home to live with an uncle she didn’t know. To her surprise she discovered a new world in the southern town of Huckleburg, Alabama. Trying to fit in to this new life for herself, she is faced with a hard decision. Who will she give her heart to? A man that is completely different from her or someone who shares the same qualities that she does. Join Heather in this journey of love, discovery and search for happiness.

Southern Attraction

Available on Amazon:

Lead Me to Success in Publishing


Book Description:

The world of publishing is changing, and you’ve already begun to realize it. While there are still the same authors on the same tables at your local bookstore, there are other names that are showing up online and in your email inbox. But how are they getting attention if they’re not doing publishing ‘the way it’s always been done’? For a thought leader like you, you already have bigger ideas about how the world should, rather, how the world COULD work to support the cutting edge thoughts you want to share. You’re not interested in simply doing the same old things because you’re not interested in the same old results. In the past year, you’ve noticed how social media has changed the way we interact and the way we share information. You’ve seen Facebook turn into a sort of gathering place and Twitter become the first place where thoughts are born. But you want to publish. You want to take your ideas a step further and you’re not interested in spending a lot of money or sending out hundreds of proposals. “Lead Me to Success in Publishing: 101 Ways” is the book for you.

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There is no better place to learn about how to have success in book publishing other than an accomplished writer. Melissa Wilson shares some great advice on how to have success in book publishing. She has published books of her own and she gives you 101 publishing tips that break down the ever-changing world of publishing, and get you thinking about not only writing your book but more, importantly—how to market and promote your book once it’s published. Every author should read this book for helpful tips and insights on how to become successful in the book publishing business. I received this book free for an honest and unbiased review….. Tracy Kauffman- Author

How Do I Find Help with Writing


Even the most trained writer needs help with their writing from time to time.  Do you think Danielle Steel presents a masterpiece every time.  I would dare say that she has had an editor come and help give her tips on what makes her book much better.  She has probably even hired a writing coach who coaches her into writing a longer manuscript, editing all the fine details and giving her words of encouragement.  Don’t ever think that the most famous authors of today don’t ever get discouraged because they do.  That is where a writing coach comes in.  They help bring discipline into the writers life where sometimes things sound a little chaotic.  What exactly is a writing coach you may ask? A writing coach provides easy and proven strategies to help authors overcome writer’s block, fine tune their manuscript and provide support to their clients.

Other ways a coach might help a new author is they can give them valuable insights into the writing market and show them what sells and what doesn’t.  They can offer a helping hand in beta-reading a manuscript and giving their input about a particular book.  A writing coach has so many more things to offer.  From hands on advice to training manuals and videos, a writing coach can help an author succeed in the writing industry. Tracy Kauffman offers assistance to new authors through a 3 step video training series, Full Speed Ahead.  She shows authors how to improve their writing skills, find a publisher and shows ways of marketing their finished book.  Enroll now!

How Bees Came To Make Chili


How Bees Came to Make Chili is a cute story about how a bee became inspired to do something special with his life.  It was written by Terry S Bradley.  Mr. Bradley owns Nubbiebees, a honey store that is located in North Alabama and his honey is marketing to local stores across the south.

How Bees Came To Make Chili is a children’s book that you don’t want to miss. It is just so cute that kids, parents and grandparents love it. Nubbiebee is a bee who has a short wing that was showing off one day and clipped his wing.  He became downhearted when he could no longer fly.  This story tells how Nubbiebee came to make chili and become happy again.  Lots of life lessons to educate your young reader. It shows children that when life throws them a curve, they can still succeed! Life is ever-changing and the lessons learned can change the way we all see each other. Inspirational message about what we can do with the hope and belief of a better tomorrow. It instills a motto of “Dream Big”.

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Blurb: Southern Attraction

Southern Attraction

Southern Attraction is a young adult romance book about a girl who loses her parents and is forced to live with a redneck uncle from Alabama. There she has to choose between two young men that she likes. Will she choose true love or a lifestyle that she is accustomed to.


Heather has everything she ever wanted; money, clothes, friends, popularity and parents that adored her. Until one terrible day, she loses it all. She is uprooted from a place she loves to a small town in Alabama with a uncle she doesn’t know. The small town of Huckleburg was nothing like Manhattan. Country rednecks owned the town and no one accepted Yankees from New York. Heather didn’t think things could get worse until a tornado comes and blast through the small town. Heather has to lose herself to rediscover what life is all about. She meets two guys that she can’t decide between who she really wants. Join Heather as she discovers that there is more to life than money and fame. Will Heather ever fit in and find true love or will she stay an outsider living in the south.



Heather Brandon had everything a girl could ever want. She was the head cheerleader and very popular. Also, she had parents that adored her. She was in her senior year of high school, and the school year was just beginning. Football season was starting soon, and Heather loved cheering for the Manhattan Tigers.

Eyes turned as Heather came driving up in her 2013 red SS Camaro with polished rims, ground effects and customized T tops. Mike Brandon spared no expense when it came to the luxuries he provided for his only daughter. She was self centered and the envy of everyone at her school. She was beautiful and fit. She had long brown hair, and she had curves in all the right places. When she spoke, everyone turned to hear what she had to say. That’s how nice it was to be Heather; a highly regarded girl which had the attention of all of her peers.

Then came the day when Heather was summoned to the principal’s office. She was sitting in class surrounded by several of her friends when the puzzling call came. Heather couldn’t imagine getting in trouble because she was loved by all her teachers. She had never been sent to the principal’s office before, and she was a little worried about what was going on. As she walked to the front office several thoughts came to her about why she was being called to the office. When she opened up the office door, she saw two police officers standing in the doorway.

“Mr. Pace, is anything wrong?” she inquired as she stuck her head in the doorway.

“Sit down Miss Brandon, I have something to tell you,” Mr. Pace replied. Heather walked between two tall cops that had their arms crossed, and they had sunglasses on their faces.

Heather sat down and asked, “Sir I haven’t been speeding or anything have I?”

“No, Miss Brandon, this is a little more troubling than that. I don’t know how to tell you this; Today your mother and father were on their way to your dad’s office when they were hit by a drunk driver,” Mr. Pace replied.

Heather was horrified by the news that she heard. She stood in silence unable to speak.

Mr. Pace struggled to finish telling Heather the news. “Miss Brandon, they didn’t make it. I’m so sorry,” he said. Heather couldn’t believe her ears. She was stunned and shocked that her beloved mother and father could have died. Tears flowed down her face, and she sobbed uncontrollably while Mr. Pace tried to comfort her. “Heather, these two police officers need to take you to identify your parents bodies.” Heather looked up at Mr. Pace with horror in her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she heard. She didn’t know if she would be able to do this horrible task. The thought of looking at her parents’ dead bodies made her cry more.

You can download this book on  

5 Writing Quotes to Keep You Inspired During the Busiest Month of the Year…

5 Writing Quotes to Keep You Inspired During the Busiest Month of the Year….

Things have been a little lonely around the blogosphere this past month, as a large majority of writers dedicated themselves to participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). As the blogging community became something of a ghost town, I had to continually remind myself to take a deep breath, keep calm, and just continue hitting that “Publish” button.

Now, as we head into December, I’m not sure we can expect our stats to pick up. For most of us December is the busiest month of the year as we try to fit holiday shopping, school and church programs, and countless Christmas dinners into our tight schedules.

For all of you writers out there, don’t feel discouraged!   Enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the season, take time to celebrate Christ this month, and keep on sharing the message the Lord has placed on your heart. If you’re writing to bring honor and glory to Him, then He is sure to bless it.

Scott Fitzgerald

“You don’t write because you want to say something. You write because you have something to say.”


Maya Angelou

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”


Job 19:23

“Oh that my words were written! Oh that they were inscribed in a book!”


2 Corinthians 3:2

“You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men.”


Psalm 102:18

“Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD.”

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How to Write a Book Query Letter


A book query letter can land you a book deal or simply be lost in an overwhelming amount of emails, already sent to book publishers. This post should help you understand what book publishers are looking for and how to land a book deal with a book publisher.  Make sure to do a little research about the publisher.  Most publisher specify what they want you to include in your query letter.

The first thing that might go against your query letter is the fact that it is full of errors. A professional editor should look over your proposal to check for typos, misspelled words, subject verb agreement, comma splices and so on. Next make sure your letter is addressed to the right person. Do some research on the company and find out what genres they are taking. Then, include a paragraph or two describing your manuscript.  In this paragraph, include title of book, word count, genre, and why you think your manuscript would sell. This is the time to stand out amongst the crowd and pitch your manuscript.  Then, include a paragraph or two about your manuscript called a book blurb.  Make it unique and attractive to the publisher. Think of it as what you would see on the back cover, that attracts readers.  Last of all, write a short biography about yourself including previous works.  Make sure the publisher can contact you about your manuscript —leave a contact email address, phone numbers, etc…

When sending a query letter, the publisher wants to know that you have done your research.  Now is not the time to start making demands and asking lots of questions.  Wait until the publisher decides to publish your manuscript, then you can ask the questions that haven’t been covered already on their website.  Most publishers have a Q and A page with details about their company.

Here are some definite Do Not’s:

  1. Do not make demands to the Publisher.
  2. Do not criticize the Publisher
  3. Do not forget to tell what the book is about
  4. Do not be unprofessional in your approach
  5. Do not refuse to send items the publisher request
  6. Do not ask too many questions about what the publisher can do for you.
  7. Do not send an unfinished letter without all the details the publisher requires.

See related post:—Three-Warnings&id=674622

About KG Books Publishing

Mission Statement

Our mission is to be a book publisher where authors from around the world can access information needed to successfully publish their manuscript. We have access to marketing resources and tools to help any author achieve their business goals. To diligently publish books, innovate, learn and evolve as a book publisher and provide the best service to our clients. To strive to give the very best of ourselves through our work, ethics, and approach. We look at every author as an individual and know that each have certain preferences and are individually unique. We look at these differences as opportunities to improve and evolve as a better company. We know and recognize the importance of publishing well polished books to the public in order to help with our client’s future success.

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Why Are Books So Important to the World

Why are books so important to everyone? We as individuals are capable of inventing new ideas, creating manuals to teach others how to save lives, writing books to teach our children about history and setting up new laws that will forever change our lives and the lives of others. Without setting up schools, libraries, new governments and new laws, where would this country be. We have educated ourselves beyond our ancestors by reading and studing books and manuals. We now can read manuals about healthcare, how to fix things, how to make things and so on. Books are filled with knowledge, parables, insights into a happy life, helpful topics about life, love, fear, child rearing, prayer, worship and helpful advice. One can read about romance, the creation of the world, future events, and big battles that men have fought. Without books we wouldn’t know anything about other cultures, extinct animals, important historical events, scientific studies, and fascinating research. Books help us to have critical thinking skills, teaches us how to perform task, helps us plan for our future, perform jobs better, and solve problems. Contracts do not carry any weight unless written down and signed. Writing makes it easier to define and analyze all sorts of problems including Math problems.

Writing first started with drawings and symbols in the Old Stone Age. Then progressed into ideographic scripts by the Sumerians and Egyptians. Then progressed into syllabary symbols. The first paper used was originated in Egypt called the papyrus. Later alphabetic writing was originated in the Middle East and spread through the Greeks and Romans. Back then, only scholars and scribes could write. Writing was known as an educated skill and therefore over time became widely used by educated people. Our knowledge of history is due to written text material. Writing is an art and is used by everyone to some degree. Music, Literature, and Drama owe their development to writing. “It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition.”
– Isaac Asimov